My Miis Wiki

Not to be confused with TommyInnit Youtooz.

TommyInnit is a Mii from Wii Sports Club. Out of Dadpleaseno's Wii Sports Club Miis, he is ranked #10.

Wii Sports Club[]

In Wii Sports Club, Tommy is good. His skill level in tennis is ★49, and he teams with someone. In baseball, he's level 10. In boxing, his skill level is ★10.

Wii Party U[]

In Wii Party U, Tommy is an Advanced Master Mii.

Mii Sports Resort[]

Tommyinnit is a mii introduced in Mii Sports Resort in the group DreamSMP.

He is good at Basketball at skill level 1510, his teams consists of Tommy and Jack (TurgsEpicYoutubeChannel) though he only plays on Jack (TurgsEpicYoutubeChannel)'s team.


  • He is based on a Minecraft YouTuber of the same name.
  • A lot of his fanbase and friends call him a child since he is 17 years old. Despite this, he is grouped as Teen in Miitopia.
Dadpleaseno's Miis

AbbyAlbertAlexander HamiltonAlfredAntonArchieBenBob the Tomato from VeggietalesBrentBrewsterBus Driver WaluigiBylethCallieCalvinChadtronicCharbaraChromColtonConnorConwaycscoopCupCurtisDeluxeDr. Goomba StackDrake JoshDundundunEastElizaEmo KidFailboatFreddy FazbearFunky KongGeorgeNotFoundGeorgeNotFound YoutoozGold MarioHarubbyHiker WarioHobbesHudsonHugboxI want dieIkeIncredibox GuyJarvis JohnsonJasjayJeb JabJerry AttricksJimmy CarterjschlattJuliesJustinKanye EastKay SwissKillianLego Indiana JonesLindsayLol byeLonkLord OwOLucasLucinaMarthMasahiro SakuraiMasonMattMattMarieMarinaMickeyMii BrawlerMii GunnerMii SwordfighterMikehaelMonikaMr. PersonNaomiNMeadeNormaNorthOdinOliviaPBGPearlPiranha PlantProJaredQuinnReggie Fils-AimeRex MohsRoySamSamSamanthaSansSapnapSapnap YoutoozSatoru IwataScott the WozShigeru MiyamotoLego ShoheiShohintaSilver MarioSimonSlimecicleSonyaSophiaSouthSpacehamsterSteel WoolSteveSvenSword0fSealsTechnoblade YoutoozTed NivisonTerry LeslerTimToddTommyInnitTommyInnit YoutooztravesTriangleTWD98TylerUsherVillagerVincenzitzWendy's EmployeeWestWilbur SootWilbur Soot YoutoozXanderYonekozxzxbeard
