Watt is a CPU Mii.
Wii Sports[]
In Tennis, his level is 230. In Baseball, his level is 450-612 and plays with Lucía, Dave Ramsey, Ren, Yoshi, Anna, Marco, James, and Jake. In Boxing, his level is 1479-1616 and is second to only Matt, his son.
Wii Sports Resort[]
In Swordplay, his level is 1481+ and is second to only Matt, his son. In Table Tennis, his level is 769. In Basketball, his level is 461+ and plays with Lucía and his son Matt.

Watt boxing in 1967
- Watt was born on May 26, 1939
- Watt is 85 years old.
- He is Matt and Patt's father, Ttam's son, and Ray’s grandfather.
- He is a retired veteran who used to be a boxing champion, just like his son is today.
- He boxed from 1963 to 1975. He was the boxing champion of 1967.
- He now lives in Wuhu Island where he spends most of his free time outdoors and playing sports for fun.
- Watt now does everything, from playing ping pong to golfing.
- You can see him here.